The telecom provider also introduced a first of its kind fiber-based intranet TV...
"As you know, we received our purchase order from BSNL in July 2023, with a targ...
Xiaomi India is optimistic about faster visa issuance for its Chinese executives...
As per industry body Cellular Operators Association of India (COAI), India isn’t...
Officials said Nvidia wants to use India's huge chip designing base and develop ...
While we have faced challenges because of lack of capital, we are actively addre...
Further, Amon said that Snapdragon has also seen an evolution, and it was starte...
Genesys did not reveal any details about its IPO or a timeline for going public,...
"And we are already seeing in our company, we are making huge efficiency through...
"For those areas you need satellite communications, and that, to my mind, offers...
India is currently hosting the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assem...
A new study by Bernstein reveals that mobile data consumption in India is increa...
On the semiconductor opportunity in India, Prasad said while the company plans t...
It was agreed at the last meeting that a separate special discussion will be hel...
"We are likely to grow in the range of 10-12 per cent year-on-year over the next...
The Trai paper has assumed huge importance, especially since US billionaire Elon...